"Invented by Georgia Southern University professor Dr. Tom Kollars, the ProVector Flower is an artificial flower which attracts mosquitoes that carry diseases like malaria, dengue fever and the West Nile virus. The flower’s four colors draw in the mosquitoes, but it’s the artificial nectar—a safe biopesticide—that ultimately kills the insects. Now being tested in many tropical, Third World countries, Dr. Kollars hopes to save hundreds of thousands of lives with this tool. The other positive? It’s cheap. Running only about $10 for the flower and $1 for bait refill every three months, it could be much more cost effective for families who can’t afford mosquito nets or who spend significant portions of their salaries on drugs once they contract the diseases."
We split up into groups and went door to door in a batay/village called Altagracia. At each house we explained the flower, asked if we could hang it up, and shared God's word. It was great getting a chance to pray for and with each family in the community. There is one more reason this project was so special to COTN. Please see Kathy share Juanchy's story below. Juanchy is one of COTN-DR's finest staff members!