(continued from blog intro)
If I can be totally honest, I do not like raising support. Am I allowed to say that? I don't know. It's true though. I so much prefer to give money away rather than ask for it - over and over! I'm sure I'm not the only one who raising support that feels that way. It is a constant burden to feel as though I am always needing more money in order to keep this job. Do people think I maintain a relationship with them so that they will support me in the ministry? I certainly hope not, but Satan keeps that thought in my mind every day.
Even though I am a missionary, people still ask Cheez and I to donate to their cause. I'm glad they do, because I like being a part of it. If we get a letter, we will pray and often end up giving. If we get a letter, and on top of that hear from the person directly about how they do need these funds we will probably give more. I don't say this to brag. I'm saying to show how ridiculous it is for me to be afraid to ask people to partner. Sending a letter I can handle, but asking face to face is so hard. Yet, when I am being asked by others I prefer that! It makes no sense, I realize. It's just one of my many fears I suppose. I tell you this in hopes that you will read it and please please know that I value all the relationships in my life and I hope no one ever feels I just contact them for their money. I guess that is my biggest fear in moving forward to raise the additional funds. Maybe now that I have confessed it it will be easier. Probably not :)
Thank you everyone who already gives. You are so great, and so appreciated. You can't hear enough that your contribution matters. It so matters! I want you to really know that, so I am going to update this blog more often. It pains me slightly, because I somehow got stuck in the 1950s and I am not a fan of all these newfangled technology gadgets. I don't like online social networking because I like face to face socializing. I will do it though! I am here in the Dominican interacting with these children, having amazing experiences, and I want you to experience it too because you are making it happen! I would not be here spending time loving them if it were not for you. They would not be eating the meals we fed them today if it were not for you. I want everyone to share in this with me, because awesome things are happening.
I've written more than I intended. Oh well. I hope it kept your attention. Thank you for reading. Please consider joining my monthly support team so I can continue Raising children who transform nations!
A FUNtastic way to stay informed on Children of the Nations Hospitality Program

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. You may be wondering why this is titled "Keep the dream alive" and I hope you are. Just this month, for the first time since I began working with COTN, I realized that after my paychecks this month I will be in the red - meaning, I will have a negative balance in my account because I do not have enough financial support coming in to cover my part time salary. You can see on the left how much I have monthly and how much I need total. That means I need another $565 per month committed. That's a lot! I know it can be done though.
I am praying, and will continue to do so, that God's will is done. I love being a part of this ministry and wish to continue here. Especially since I sit in the Dominican Republic as I write this. Maybe God is calling me away from COTN, and if so then I trust Him. I don't feel that calling though. I feel called to push through and get the funds raised that are needed.
(please keep reading in post "Keep the dream alive")
***If you are new to my blog, or new to COTN, please look in the righthand side bar for JANUARY 2010 posts "A Tidbit on COTN" and "A Glimpse at the Hospitality Program" to gain some background knowledge.
I am praying, and will continue to do so, that God's will is done. I love being a part of this ministry and wish to continue here. Especially since I sit in the Dominican Republic as I write this. Maybe God is calling me away from COTN, and if so then I trust Him. I don't feel that calling though. I feel called to push through and get the funds raised that are needed.
(please keep reading in post "Keep the dream alive")
***If you are new to my blog, or new to COTN, please look in the righthand side bar for JANUARY 2010 posts "A Tidbit on COTN" and "A Glimpse at the Hospitality Program" to gain some background knowledge.