If I did have favorites, it would be Aris! What a day. Til this point things have been a little heavy. When we arrived I learned that some of our staff members are going through some pretty rough times. I'll give you an example - There is a wonderful man who works for COTN-DR and just recently he lost his beautiful 6 year old daughter to Dengue Fever. That's just one hardship. I would love it if you would join me in prayer for these people.
Today we did our tours of the COTN office and villages that we partner with. We started by going to Los Robles and right when I got off the bus I saw him! I love Aris. He is so stinking cute. I have seen him every year for four years now. I can't get enough of him. Below I have a picture of him from 2009. Talk about turning your day around. All of the discouragement lifted away when I saw him and he recognized me! Aris is a special needs child and each year I look eagerly for him, and he spends time with me. I am never quite sure though if he recognizes me. This year was different. I saw it in his eyes that he remembered who I was from last year. Seeing him, holding his hand and playing with him and his sisters made it all worth it - the long travel, all the fund raising and preparations. I had so much fun with him.
Cheez took some excellent video of Juanchi, our host, explaining COTN and the impact they have had in these villages. When I return I will put those videos on here so you can share in our time. Welp, I'm pretty tired and honestly can't think of a good transition out soooo thanks for reading today! More to come.
A FUNtastic way to stay informed on Children of the Nations Hospitality Program

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. You may be wondering why this is titled "Keep the dream alive" and I hope you are. Just this month, for the first time since I began working with COTN, I realized that after my paychecks this month I will be in the red - meaning, I will have a negative balance in my account because I do not have enough financial support coming in to cover my part time salary. You can see on the left how much I have monthly and how much I need total. That means I need another $565 per month committed. That's a lot! I know it can be done though.
I am praying, and will continue to do so, that God's will is done. I love being a part of this ministry and wish to continue here. Especially since I sit in the Dominican Republic as I write this. Maybe God is calling me away from COTN, and if so then I trust Him. I don't feel that calling though. I feel called to push through and get the funds raised that are needed.
(please keep reading in post "Keep the dream alive")
***If you are new to my blog, or new to COTN, please look in the righthand side bar for JANUARY 2010 posts "A Tidbit on COTN" and "A Glimpse at the Hospitality Program" to gain some background knowledge.
I am praying, and will continue to do so, that God's will is done. I love being a part of this ministry and wish to continue here. Especially since I sit in the Dominican Republic as I write this. Maybe God is calling me away from COTN, and if so then I trust Him. I don't feel that calling though. I feel called to push through and get the funds raised that are needed.
(please keep reading in post "Keep the dream alive")
***If you are new to my blog, or new to COTN, please look in the righthand side bar for JANUARY 2010 posts "A Tidbit on COTN" and "A Glimpse at the Hospitality Program" to gain some background knowledge.