My favorite movie is Waynes World 2. The first one is good, don't get me wrong. The second one is just so funny, though. One of my favorite lines is when Wayne is explaining his idea for
Waynestock, a music festival. He is asked "Who's going to be there?" So Wayne and Garth, scrambling to make up an answer, look around the room at band posters and use their names.
"Aerosmith and Pearl Jam"
"Who else"
"Me and Wayne"
"and... Van Halen"
"Yeah, who else?"
".. and old man fashioning a kayak out of a log..? no! no! I mean Rip Taylor!"
If you've seen it, you are laughing right now. One of our last days in Sierra Leone we were taken to a village called Mokpangumba, and there is when we saw an old man, actually fashioning a kayak out of a log. I made the joke, but I don't think anyone there got it. So now I am sharing with you.
Wayne's World |
Sierra Leone |
To get to Mokpangumba we had to walk about an hour and a half through the jungle. Single file, we followed a skinny path through streams, lines of army ants, and bush. After the walk, we had to take a canoe ride across a river to finally reach our destination. Alternative name for our destination? The best behavied COTN children I have ever seen! The children in our program are all pretty well behavied. We have great teachers and principals instilling the right values in them - but wow! These kids are fantastic. We were there in the summer, so they all walked into school in their cute school uniforms to put on this sweet welcome presentation for us. They introduced themselves, quoted bible verses, nursery rhymes, showed us how they can do the Engligh alphabet forward and backward. It was so incredibly nice, and all of this was just to spend an hour of time with us. Due to how far away the village was, we only had about an hour to spend with them and they made it such a huge priority. Another awesome thing was that one of our team members got to meet his sponsor child for the first time. I love when that happens. I have put pictures from our Makpangumba experience below.

A special thanks to Ethan Kalebaugh for sharing the majority of these Sierra Leone photos. All of the ones that look professional and awesome are Ethan's work.