We returned for our second year of beautification projects at the schools. We spent time cleaning and doing yard work so the students could have a safe, welcoming environment to return to in the fall. We also were given the opportunity to walk through the villages and visit the homes of some families. The families visited all have children in COTN's program, but have a difficult time getting to school because their parents work during the day and they need to stay home and care for their younger siblings. They welcomed us in and told us about their lives. The team really enjoyed themselves, and the kids enjoyed having someone take interest in them
All in all, it was a good trip. How can it not be when smiling kids run in complete excitement to see you each day. I made a friend on this trip. Her name is Emily. She's the cutest girl I mentioned above. We spent time playing together every day. Emily lives in Pueblo Nuevo. Our last day there, the team entered with a bitter sweet feeling. Sweet, because we had another morning to be with our new friends. Bitter, because it was our last. As I walked off the bus, I scanned the crowd for her. Just when I walked out the door I saw her head poke through the other kids. She squeezed her way in front of everyone and her eyes widen with joy as she looked up at me. In her hands she held a gift. She had cut the bottom off of a coke bottle, filled it with rocks and put fresh flowers inside. When I took my final step off she extended her arms as far as she could, grinning ear to ear with excitement to give me my present.
Now you tell me she's not the cutest ever...